IMaterna wants to collaborate actively in supporting women in low-income countries, as a basis for global health, especially in their roles as mothers, supporting porjects related to pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, complications of pregnancy and newborns.

Here you can get to know the projects with which we collaborate and join them if you wish


FUNDACIÓN ACCIÓN GEODA is a Spanish humanitarian organisation (NGO) dedicated since 2008 to working with the Berber communities in the Tessaout Valley, in the Grand Atlas Mountains in Central Morocco, a high-economically depressed area. We work in 40 municipalities, with a estimated population -as there is not official census- of 12.500 people. We have successfully fulfilled different accomplishments as a water system that reaches every house in the villages, a far-reaching educational project with Primary schools and literacy courses for women and a Sanitary and Gender Project.

In the last two years, due to the lack of Healthcare, we started a project focused on improving health conditions of pregnant women and their children, trying to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality rates.

For this purpose, we carry out health caravans with specialized personnel, portable ultrasound and some medication. In these caravans, in addition to assistance to pregnant women, and children, we do some training workshops with mothers and teachers, like burns management, diarrhea treatment, clean delivery kits and basic newborn resuscitation.

If you want to know more enter this link