Research studies in which the iMaterna Foundation is collaborating during 2023:
PRECORSE: Study for PREgnancy CORonavirus Serologic Evidence
PREVAL-DECREASE: Predicción y prevención precoz de la Preeclampsia Pretérmino
iL&D: Integración de la ecografía en el partograma para la evaluación de la progresión del parto
Prevención temprana de la Obesidad Infantil: un embarazo físicamente activo
SARA: Efficacy of low dose acetylsalicylic acid in preventing adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnant women. Beca Fundació Marató
PREDIGEST: PREdicción y PREvención de la Diabetes GESTacional. Promoción de la salud durante el embarazo.
PregMind Study:
Risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic
In this section we will upload links to internet-based courses that are free of charge and recommended by the iMaterna scientific committee for their quality and scientific rigour.
The 11-13 weeks scan course. Internet-based course free of charge by the Fetal Medicine Foundation.
Fetal Echocardiography course. Internet-based course free of charge by the Fetal Medicine Foundation.
Update on screening and early diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. Internet-based course free of charge by the Foundation for the Progress of Education and Health.